Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This is coolbert:

"I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts." - - C. Whitman.

"This massive, muscular youth seemed to be oozing with hostility..." - - Dr. Heatley - University of Texas Psychiatrist.

The possibility of soldier, gone berserk, a psychotic, sociopathic individual using his skills as a highly trained killer to wreak terrible havoc upon society, almost at whim, is not totally without foundation?

See my previous blog entry about this very subject. From some time ago now.

I am talking here about the zombie/robotlike/deranged/drugged/murderous/wacko/wife beater/suicidal maniac GI legend!

"Such military training/preparation may also exacerbate otherwise latent mental illness in recruits-- perhaps rendering dangerous to society and themselves folks who might otherwise have led more normal, peaceful, and productive lives." - - J.R. Mooneyham.

The crazy GI is not just a legend? I had thought it was generally just that - - a legend!

Perhaps I am wrong about this? There are instances of this occurring? Any of us at any given moment run the possibility of coming under sudden and unexpected attack from a crazed, very aggressive soldier or ex-soldier, trained to kill in a heartbeat and do so without any warning?

A soldier, or ex-soldier for that matter, suffering from mental instability or illness, OR AS DID CAPTAIN RAINER OF THE USS DOLPHIN, FROM A BRAIN TUMOR, UNDIAGNOSED!!

I specifically have the case of Charles Whitman in mind.

The Texas Tower Massacre killer.

From way back when now, the early 1960’s. An incident to never be forgotten. A horror that at the time was unique and chilling.

"killed 14 people and wounded 32 others during a shooting rampage"

Whitman, a student at the University of Texas, an ex-Marine, after killing his mother and wife, climbed to the top of the what was at the time the tallest building [The Texas Tower, 300’ high [100 meters]] in Austin, TX., armed with an assortment of rifles, pistols, shotgun [?], and a foot locker full of ammunition. Proceeded to “plink” at anyone and everyone within range. Whitman, using his Marine Corps marksmanship training, was able to kill and wound an extraordinary number of people within a few hours. Persons shot sometimes at very long range, a half-mile [800 meters] or more!!

"plink –verb (used without object) 1. to shoot, as with a rifle, at targets selected at whim:"

[Those of you that have seen the Stanley Kubrick movie, “Full Metal Jacket” will remember the scene where the U.S. Marine drill instructor [DI] boasts to his charges the degree to which the Corps trains a superior rifleman. A shootist who can hit targets and do so with ease and skill. Proficient marksman, envied by other military services!! This DI actually mentions the name of Whitman as an example of superior Corps marksmanship training!!]

This “exhibition” of superior shooting skills on the part of Whitman only ended when two police officers charged to the top of the Tower and killed Whitman in a close-quarters exchange of gunfire.


I don’t think that anyone would deny that Charles Whitman WAS A CRAZY MAN? But still lucid enough and thoughtful to the extent of choosing his weaponry, targets, firing position all to his advantage.


[Homeland Security has screened and sealed off such “observation platforms” all over America that would make similar suitable firing positions for potential lone-wolf jihadis, hoping to emulate Charles Whitman? A repeat of the Texas Tower Massacre NOT possible. Some thought has been given to this matter? I surely hope so! One man, wielding say a Dragunov sniper rifle, could DO A LOT OF DAMAGE, THAT IS OBVIOUSLY APPARENT!!]


* While on active duty, over forty years ago now, actually ran into a man who was at the scene of the Tower massacre, lying behind a two-foot high concrete wall for two hours, pinned down, not daring to move. Such was the marksmanship of Whitman; movement from behind that wall to safety was impossible.

* Whether consciously or not, Whitman had chosen a more or less impregnable position for his shooting “spree”! Even if suffering from a brain tumor, mentally deranged, Whitman still possessed a degree of malevolent thoughtfulness that only enhanced and enabled his rampage even more so!!


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