Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is coolbert:

A lot of stuff comes together in this blog entry.

1. From my previous and recent blog entry on Hitler.

"Hitler reads history and the philosopher Schopenhauer again and again."

"[Otto Dix carried his basic Nietzsche with him during this four years of combat duty.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬Hitler was a Dix without the basic artistic talent‭?]"

"Even while on the front-line, continues [Hitler] with the artistic aspirations! ‬Drawing,‭ ‬painting,‭ ‬sketching.‭ ‬An Otto Dix without the talent‭?"

2. Here regarding Otto Dix:

"Carried [Dix] copy of Nietzsche, The Joyous Science and the Bible in his soldier's knapsack. From N [Nietzsche] Dix learned that growth and decay necessary part of nature, procreation and death part of the life cycle, struggle for survival, cruel cycle of birth and death."

Dix, of course, was the much more talented of the two men! Was one of the foremost artists of the 20th Century? His war art [anti-war!] is profound, sublime, etc!

"Mad Mike" Calvert would have appreciated the art work of Dix? Especially this particular work, portraying a trench raid. Close quarters combat of the most primitive type, almost cave-man like, brutal no-quarter battle of the type that Calvert perhaps reveled in and relished, even sought out??

A trench raid, as drawn by Otto Dix

As to the carrying of philosophical works by Hitler [Schopenhauer] and Dix [Nietzsche]? What to make of that? Auto-didacts [self-taught persons] trying to make some sense out of what surrounded them?


1 comment:

  1. Awesome info! I was honestly just thinking about something similar to this other day, coz my wife is crazy about Art, so, it was almost weird when I ran across this. You would be surprised how many people simply have no idea when it comes to this kind of stuff. Anyway, thanks for getting this cool Art out there and I am sure I am not only one who appreciates you taking time to post this for masses. Really it is imaging
