Friday, February 13, 2009


This is coolbert:

Here is a program, an audio file from National Public Radio that you may want to listen to:

"'Wired For War' Explores Robots On The Battlefield"

Works best of course with a high-speed Internet connection. Much slower and takes a goodly time to download with dial-up. Worth listening to, however.

P.W. Singer, "expert" on the subject of "warbots" [war robots] is being interviewed. Makes some startling and surprising claims concerning the aspect of robotics as now being employed by the U.S. military.

Warbots are NOW an integral part of all U.S. military operations. NOT merely a curiosity but now mission integrated at all echelons and in an ever increasing manner.

Actual numbers of warbots being employed are indeed startling:

* Now over 5,300 drone [UAV/RPV] aircraft in some manifestation are being used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compared to almost none in 2003. This includes drones used by all services, sizes, shapes and forms.

* Over 12,000 ground robotics now being in Iraq!! Compared to zero in 2003.

Furthermore, according to Singer:

* Drone pilots have higher levels of PTSD than those aviators actually serving in combat. PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A form of combat fatigue. Pilots "flying" drones in combat [engaging the enemy with Hellfire missiles] over Iraq and Afghan, BUT DOING SO FROM A REMOTE LOCATION STATESIDE [Nevada??] are suffering psychological damage normally ONLY associated with front line troops!!

* Iraq is the first YouTube war. You can watch while not actually being there. Over 7,000 clips of combat in Iraq are circulating on the Internet.

* Robotics and computer overrides have been around for some time. Greater "machine" autonomy is ALREADY HERE! The AEGIS naval missile system is a perfect example. AEGIS will continue to operate even if the ENTIRE CREW OF THE MISSILE CRUISER IS KILLED!!

In particular, the PackBot ground robotics unit and the C-RAM are warbots that have more than proven their worth. PackBot is built by the same folks that have brought to the commercial market the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner. C-RAM has been successful in defending the Iraq "Green Zone" against insurgent mortar and rocket fire.

Personal comment regarding the use of warbots by the U.S. military:

* The jihadi enemy will regard the use of warbots on the part of the American military with contempt and revulsion? To the jihadi, it is a sign of American weakness, physical and mental, to rely upon MACHINES? The jihadi prefers a knife-fight, looking you right in the eye, up close and personal. Warbots only increase the degree of contempt the jihadi has for American and "western" society and culture!!


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