Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is coolbert:

This particular blog entry is borderline germane. Still - - I find this to be interesting.

Just prior to the recent American Presidential election, a devoted reader [JS Bolton] to my blog asked this question:

"Would Obama pass a security check for terrorist connections, and qualify to work as an airport screener [TSA baggage screener]?"

To which my reply was: "I suppose the best answer is - - it depends!"

“Depends” upon a series of criteria and protocols as MAY exist in the hiring process and background check for an applicant.

Criteria and protocols that if positive - - may signal red flags. Red flags that send up a “don’t hire” warning.

Among those possible red flag criteria and protocols I listed: [not sure if this exists or not, only speculative on my part!]:

"* An association with persons whose names appear in counter-intelligence files [Ayers & Dohrn], or is made apparent through data-mining."

NOW, dig this particular headline. From only just AFTER the American Presidential election.

"William Ayers turned back at Canadian border"

Bill Ayers, former Weather Underground radical/domestic terrorist/self-described communist with a small “c’, was DENIED ENTRY TO CANADA.

Turned around at the airport in Toronto and told, “go home!” For whatever reason!

The name of Bill Ayers DID appear on a list of some sort. A list of persons to be forbidden entry into Canada. NO reason given or has to be given either.

Canadian authorities have a data mining/TIA [Total Information Awareness] type of system that “red flags” visitors? Some sort of list or system that spit out damning info on Bill?

Lists do exist out there. If and when Barack Obama had applied for a job as a TSA baggage screener, during the hiring process, a background check using data mining/TSA protocols may have revealed a “linkage” between Bill and Barack? Precluding employment for the latter?

[Please recall to that ELECTED officials DO NOT require a security clearance. Persons elected are felt to have been deemed worthy of trust by the PUBLIC!]

Could be!


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