Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thanh Hoa.

This is coolbert:

“At long last, after seven years, 871 sorties, tremendous expenditure in lives, 11 lost aircraft, and a bewildering array of expended munitions, the Dragon’s Jaw was finally broken.” - Walter Boyne

Speaking of the aerial bombing campaign [siege] to destroy the Thanh Hoa bridge. An episode from the Second Indo-China War.

And as an article from the Internet web site |

"One modern laser-guided bomb [2,000 pounder] was as effective against a point target as thirty Vietnam-era F-4 Phantoms dropping their entire load of bombs"

From | May 15th, 2024 |  

Thanh Hoa bridge damaged by repeated aerial assault for a period of SEVEN YEARS of conventional bombing damaged but never destroyed. Only the use of modern precision guided munitions [PGM] was the bridge put out-of-action.

When thinking of Thanh Hoa bridge think not so much the use of PGM but rather the protracted aerial assault a microcosm of American failure the Second Indo-China War?

From my perspective consider allied and American combat actions the Second Indo-China War other examples [to include Thanh Hoa] representative of a war effort ultimately ending in USA futility:


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