Sunday, May 5, 2024


This is coolbert:

“We do not redeem captives for more than their value, for the betterment of the world” (Gittin 45a).

"If the families of the captives and their supporters had refrained from demonstrations and kept away from the media, the IDF would have already been more successful in breaking the enemy’s spirit."

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | May 4, 2024.

Comments of Rabbi Melamed regarding the swapping of Hamas prisoners for Israeli hostages.

The experience of the Hebrew sages all relevant here. AND in context of the Gazan War as relevant as in the past. 

"Paying an exorbitant price for prisoners can endanger the entire public and this is what happened to us following the reckless deal for Gilad Shalit. Despite great sensitivity towards the families of the captives, during war, we must gird ourselves with courage, until victory"

Negotiations for the release of prisoners in exchange for hostages remains a very controversial topic in Israel and even more so in the aftermath of events of 7 October.

"How right our Sages were in prohibiting the redemption of captives for more than their value, even though redeeming captives is a great mitzvah that takes precedence over other forms of charity because the captive suffers from hunger, thirst and lack of clothing, and in addition, his life is in danger . . .  However, when paying an exorbitant price for them, it endangers the entire public, as stated in the Mishnah"

"For once the kidnappers see that we are willing to pay almost any price for them, they will strive harder to capture more of our captives . . . . And if this applies to ordinary kidnappers, how much more so when dealing with a bitter enemy, waging a war of destruction against Israel"

Exchange prisoners for captives yes. But not unconditionally so!


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