Thursday, May 30, 2024

Memorialize I.

This is coolbert:

"There will always be war and rumors of war"

And commemorative poetry of events that occurred.

War poetry. An item that has an inherent contradiction?

First a poem by the distinguished American poet Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. commemorating Russia’s support of the Union during the American Civil War:

       [Title Unknown]

"Shadowed so long by the storm-cloud of danger,

Thou whom the prayers of an empire defend,

Welcome, thrice welcome! but not as a stranger,

Come to the nation that calls thee its friend!

Bleak are our shores with the blasts of December,

Fettered and chill is the rivulet’s flow;

Throbbing and warm are the hearts that remember

Who was our friend when the world was our foe.

Look on the lips that are smiling to greet thee,

See the fresh flowers that a people has strewn

Count them thy sisters and brothers that meet thee;

Guest of the Nation, her heart is thine own!

Fires of the North, in eternal communion,

Blend your broad flashes with evening’s bright star!

God bless the Empire that loves the Great Union;

Strength to her people! Long life to the Czar!"

Russians to the right and left of us. Russians to the front and rear of us. Swarming multitudes of Russians. And we were happy!

Read from several articles the contribution of Imperial Russia to the Union cause during the American Civil War:

Read to prior blog entries Russian involvement [indirect] in the American Civil War:


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