Friday, May 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

"This is a pretty humiliating way. You need to contact those to whom you sold this, offer money that can be more than the same parties paid Russia, and promise some other things. All in order to urgently get what is needed. All this, to put it mildly, testifies to the problems of " 

The normally proud Russian humbled with loss-of-face?

"In two years of the war, the manufacturer [Irkut] Su-30 returned military equipment from abroad to almost $ USD 500 million"

From | 05/07/2024.

All this began before the SMO of 2022. Russians surely aware something drastic was going to occur.

"Aircraft manufacturer « Irkut » in 2022 – 2023 acquired from their foreign partners previously delivered military equipment for almost half a billion dollars, found out The Moscow Times, analyzing the data of Russian customs statistics. Similar transactions began back in 2021, and over the past three years their total amount has exceeded $ 900 million."

"Irkut, which was renamed Yakovlev last summer, is part of the United Aircraft Corporation Rosteha  and produces multi-purpose fighters Su-30 and Yak-130 combat training aircraft, as well as civilian liners SSJ-100, MS-21, Tu-214, Il-96, Il-114."

We have to be 100 % clear of what is occurring here. The manufacture of new Su-30 war planes  [Flanker-C/G/H)] apparently impeded by a lack of parts. The Russian [again the normally proud Russian] having to buy aviation parts [either aircraft in whole or sub-assemblies thereof as needed] from foreign militaries to alleviate shortages for which there appears to be no reasonable remedy.

Off-hand I think of one instance where the USA had to do something similar. M-14 rifles as had been sold to the armies of foreign nations. The M-14 back into the USA inventory to be converted as an expedient squad-level DMR [Dedicated Marksmanship Rifle]. 


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