Wednesday, May 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

Bad news Gaza! Gaza of course for a goodly number of months now bad news! Unmitigated!

"Pentagon: Aid has not been successfully delivered to Gazans in need"

"Distribution efforts have been severely hampered by crowds of desperate Palestinians intercepting the trucks once they leave the loading area"

Food aid for Gaza via the JLOTS pier received Gaza, but distribution not working. Those most in need not getting the desired amount of aid.

From | i24NEWS | May 22, 2024 |

"The Pentagon has confirmed that none of the 569 tons of humanitarian aid that recently arrived at a U.S.-built pier in the Gaza Strip has been formally distributed."

"According to a Defense Department spokesperson, although some of the aid has been transported to warehouses, the distribution efforts have been severely hampered by crowds of desperate Palestinians intercepting the trucks once they leave the loading area."

Indeed, this is what I was afraid of all along. Like with the parachute drops of food aid, a mob scene and a atmosphere of every-man-for-himself prevailing. No organized collection and equitable distribution.

Evidently planning with local Gazan residents scant to none! Surely this bodes very poorly on all parties involved. American, Israeli, Gaza authority to whatever exists if any! All have fallen down.

Bad! Very bad! I am sure this could have been easily anticipated but was not evidently!


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