Thursday, May 23, 2024


This is coolbert:

If you can REPAIR an undersea cable carrying Internet traffic, you can DAMAGE one just as easy. Simple as that.

"Fears Mount Of Undersea Cable Sabotage By Chinese Repair Ships, Report Says"

From | BY TYLER DURDEN | MAY 19, 2024.

State Department officials told a team of Wall Street Journal reporters about the increasing risks that undersea telecommunications cables could be susceptible to espionage. 

Not could be. Are! Breakage common even without human interference!

The officials became concerned when a state-controlled Chinese firm that repairs undersea cables, SB Submarine Systems, unexplainably and repeatedly concealed the location data of its ship from radio and satellite tracking services. They said the ship's concealment of its position 'defied easy explanation'"

No! Not defying easy explanation. They were up to something nefarious.

"The warnings about potential espionage or even sabotage of undersea cables come nearly three months after underwater telecommunications cables linking Europe and Asia were 'damaged' in the Red Sea between Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Djibouti in East Africa."

See previous blog entry as relevant the fleet of vessels of various nations on constant mission to repair undersea cables where ever they occur and when damaged.

NOR can you preclude the possibility of bad actors intercepting fiber optic Internet communications [without destroying the cable] for intelligence gathering purposes. "Fiber tapping uses a network tap method that extracts signal from an optical fiber without breaking the connection."


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