Tuesday, May 14, 2024



This is coolbert

The day AFTER in wartime usually referring to plans formulated and to be implemented with a cessation of hostilities. Grand strategy as normally understood.

Combat action Gaza once again hot-and-heavy. Area of the northern part of the Gaza Strip as previously declared "secure" by the Israel army seemingly not so!

"As defense chiefs confront Netanyahu over Gaza's 'day after,' three IDF divisions back in Gaza"

"The IDF said it had attacked over 150 targets on Saturday-Sunday, including using a wide range of air and artillery power, a heavy increase in the use of more destructive Israeli war machines."

From https://www.jpost.com | By YONAH JEREMY BOB, JERUSALEM POST STAFF | MAY 12, 2024.

[. . . . ]

"While the high point of the invasion in October-November had five divisions in Gaza, there was only one division, the 162nd, still there by April 7, and even that division was no longer at full strength."

"Total strength at this exact juncture three DIVISIONAL sized elements FULL strength."

"This means that the IDF is about halfway back to its full strength point in Gaza earlier in the war and signals the failure to prevent Hamas from quickly returning to power after seven months of war"

ETERNAL insurgency! The insurgent wins by outlasting the opponent. I imagine those Hamas personnel surviving deep underground in the tunnels and hardened bunkers waiting for that moment to emerge and create a lot of aggravation of the IDF. And ARE doing so.

From a comment to the article:


"I don't understand this war. Israel takes land, clear it out and leaves. Hamas moves back in. Israel returns and clears again. Rinse and repeat. 

Normally when the army takes land they stay there until the war is completely over. What game is at play"

From my perspective that as experience of the American army during the Second Indo-China War.


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