Thursday, April 18, 2024


This is coolbert:

Continuing the Israeli retaliation for events of 13 April.

From the Israeli press. See all links for continuing updates.

 1. "Israel-Hamas War Day 195 | Reports Say Israel Attacked Site in Iran, Explosions Heard in Isfahan"

2. "Israel said to launch ‘limited’ strike on Iran as response to weekend attack" | By TOI STAFF.

"Iran state media reports flights suspended over Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran * Israel, US remain at odds after holding another virtual meeting on planned IDF offensive in Rafah"

The Israeli have a multiplicity of targets to engage and a multiplicity of means to do so. Soup to nuts type stuff all-inclusive if necessary.

Tit-for-tat retaliation will begat further retaliation. An endless cycle!

"tit for tat: noun phrase - an equivalent given in return (as for an injury) : retaliation in kind"

"We have only just begun." - Karen Carpenter. Indeed!


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