Tuesday, April 30, 2024

PFLP -Gaza.

This is coolbert:

"Our people will not forget the major crime committed by Britain against the Palestinian people, with its major contribution to the establishment of the Zionist entity, after issuing the ill-fated Balfour Declaration, and its continuation to this day in supporting the occupation and its crimes," 

A decree of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. British you are not welcome.

"PFLP says it will target British forces if they are deployed in Gaza"

"Marxist-Leninist group warns that UK and other foreign troops will be treated as 'occupation forces' if they enter Palestinian territory"

From https://www.middleeasteye.net | By MEE staff | 28 April 2024. 

"The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has warned Britain and other countries against deploying forces on the land or coast of the Gaza Strip."

"The BBC reported on Saturday that UK troops could be deployed in Gaza to assist with aid deliveries via a temporary pier in the enclave being built by the United States."

"The Marxist-Leninist group said in a statement on Telegram that British troops would be 'treated as occupation forces and will be legitimate targets for the resistance'."

Correct! More than anyone else the Arabic speaking population of the British Mandate for Palestine blame the English for the debacle and dispossession they refer to as the Nakba.

British stay away! We have not forgotten. And you have been warned!


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