Saturday, April 27, 2024


This is coolbert:

MODEP = Mobile Defense/Depot Platform.

AD = Air Defense.

To war with artificial island!

"US to convert oil rigs into floating missile defense sites"

"MODEP concept aims to fill missile defense gaps vis-a-vis China but it’s not clear makeshift scheme makes military or economic sense"

"makeshift: noun - That with which one makes shift; an expedient adopted to serve a present need or turn; a temporary substitute. Of the nature of a temporary expedient."

From | By GABRIEL HONRADA | APRIL 16, 2024.

"The US Navy has unveiled plans to convert surplus oil rigs into mobile missile defense and resupply facilities, a seemingly risky and costly scheme to address rising US vulnerability to rival missile threats in the Pacific."

[. . . .]

"MODEP is configured as a large floating island base to be deployed at an ideal distance from shore and operate independently for over 12 months."

Provide mobile air defense for the U.S. Navy in a time of war China. Can move to be beyond [?] range of Chinese ballistic missiles. I might think too will have an offensive capability or at least an option for same.

I notice as touted can also function as a "resupply" facility. Current American missile firing warships MUST return to home port for reload. MODEP offers a quick-and-dirty solution to this problem?


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