Wednesday, April 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

Bad idea. Very bad idea!

Collectibles of war? Even when disarmed still dangerous! 

"Jordanians try to sell downed Iranian rockets on the internet"

"‘Used Iranian ballistic missile in good condition’: Online ads in the kingdom — some of them satirical — offer ballistic missiles, or pieces of them, for sale"

From | By GIANLUCA PACCHIANI | 16 April 2024.

"Some Jordanians have been trying to sell remnants of rockets intercepted over their territory during Iran’s dramatic assault against Israel Saturday night, in which hundreds of deadly projectiles were fired from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen."

[. . . .]

"The listed prices varied considerably, ranging from 50 Jordanian dinars ($70) for a piece of a rocket that fell outside Amman, to 120,000 dinars ($170,000) for a full missile."

Satirical to an extent possibly so. But believe me there will be parties interested in purchasing trophies of war of whatever nature.

My biggest concern would be the carcinogen [cancer causing] agents undoubtedly present in some [if not all] the "projectiles". Purchase at your own risk and if you are sorry years later do not complain.


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