Friday, March 15, 2024

Trans Law..

This is coolbert:

I say I am, therefore I am?

"Spanish soldiers changing gender to female for added benefits, higher pay: ‘On the inside, I am a lesbian’"

From |By Social Links for | Nicholas McEntyre | March 6, 2024. Thanks to the tip from T. E. Lawrence.

"Spanish soldiers are changing their gender from male to female to earn certain benefits only available to females, including higher pay and better sleeping quarters, due to a self-identification law aimed at helping transgender people."

"Forty-one men in Spain’s north-Africa autonomous city Ceuta have made the drastic decision to change their gender on official documents from male to female since the so-called 'Ley-de-Trans' or 'Trans Law' was implemented in March 2023."

"Of the men in Ceuta who’ve changed their identity, only four have also legally changed their name."

"A majority of the now-female soldiers have kept every other aspect of life, including male genitalia, sexuality, and even facial hair.

* First, how exactly are women soldiers entitled to better pay and sleeping quarters?

* Additionally, the man to woman transition usually involves entirely removing the pudenda [testicles + penis] and receiving female hormonal shots for a minimum of two years!

Digo existo luego existo! 


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