Monday, March 11, 2024


This is coolbert

SSN-764 American nuclear submarine the trials and travails.

From the Internet web site Strategy Page.

Submarine not deemed dive worthy since 2015 [?] and awaiting repairs a long and arduous process.

"SUBMARINES: Stumbling Through Submarine Repairs"

"March 9, 2024: The U.S. Navy has finally started repair work on an SSN (nuclear attack submarine) that returned damaged from its last time at sea nine years ago. The Newport News Shipbuilding firm is to carry out a $1.24 billion overhaul of [the] Los Angeles-class submarine USS Boise at a shipyard in Virginia. The work will be completed by 2029."

DAMAGE as sustained nine years ago not made CLEAR. Boat has been in dock since 2017 anticipating repair/refurbishment/retrofit.

Devoted readers to the blog will want to read the entire article.

"The work includes maintenance and restoration of hull structure, tanks, propulsion systems, electric plant, auxiliary systems, armament, and furnishings in addition to many useful alterations."

FOURTEEN years the entire procedure will take until the submarine will be seaworthy and mission ready again? Seems to be way too much time and way too much money spent on a vessel the class of which is slowly being retired?


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