Saturday, March 2, 2024


This is coolbert:

Bad! Very bad! Royal Air Force front-line fighter combat warplanes gone.

And at the exact wrong moment.

"Anger as the RAF retires 30 'quick reaction alert' [QRA] Typhoon jets used to protect Britain from potential attacks by Putin"

From | by Mark Nicol | 1 March 2024.

"The plan has been likened to 'scrapping Spitfires before the Battle of Britain'"

"Air Force chiefs are refusing to back down on a decision to retire 30 'quick reaction alert' jets used to protect British skies from potential attacks by Vladimir Putin."

"In a move likened to 'scrapping Spitfires before the Battle of Britain', bosses at the cash-strapped RAF are to retire the Tranche 1 Typhoons to save money."

"The jets, which still have thousands of miles left on their clocks and could continue to fly for several years, will be grounded after completing just 40 per cent of their predicted flying hours."

Vlad in the Kremlin must be having a good chuckle about this! At a time of crisis in Europe the British seem to be demonstrating a total lack of resolve, decision about these warplanes unsound! 

"chuckle: intransitive verb -To laugh quietly or to oneself."


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