Saturday, March 23, 2024


This is coolbert:

PAK front Baltics? Frenzied activity now underway? Ivan beware!!

"Baltic States prepare ‘Maginot Line’ to defend against Russia"

"Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are investing heavily in fortifications along their borders with Belarus and Russia designed to slow down any future Russian advance into Europe"

From https://www.rmx | GRZEGORZ ADAMCZYK | author: BARTŁOMIEJ KUCHARSKI via: FORSAL.PL | March 08, 2024.

"Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, small in both size and population, are bolstering their defenses through NATO and EU alliances and mutual cooperation in anticipation of potential aggression from Russia."


"Although the plans of each country differ, they aim to coordinate their efforts. This cooperation may not result in a continuous line of fortifications akin to France’s pre-war Maginot Line but rather three distinct, interconnected lines of various structures. This approach leverages Lithuania and Latvia’s experiences in constructing temporary border security measures with Belarus during the migration crisis of 2021-2022."

The PAK front Baltics. Bulwark against future Russian expansive aggression. Panzer
Abwehr Kanone
but minus the cannon.

Defensive fortifications designed to thwart an enemy blitzkrieg offensive. Not necessarily stopping but slow down, make your adversary deploy, take casualties. 

Fortifications consisting of anti-tank ditches, anti-tank obstacles, minefields of prodigious size [a mix of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines], pre-positioned strong points and firing positions of concrete and steel, communication trenches with overhead cover. Consider too the defeat of  radio-frequency [RF] command controlled enemy [Russian] combat drones by electronic jamming a must.

And if possible layers of such fortifications in depth!

Within context consider some of the timeless verities of combat as listed by Dupuy:

2. Defensive strength is greater than offensive strength.

3. Defensive posture is necessary when offense is impossible.

6. Defenders chance of success are directly proportional to fortifications strength.

8. Successful defense requires depth and reserves.

With regard to # 2, defense stronger in the sense you can accomplish more with less and easier.

See previous blog entries as applicable and relevant:


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