Thursday, March 21, 2024


This is coolbert:

 "Karma - is a concept of action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences"

“Without hunger and thirst among the Gaza population... we won't be able to bribe" - MK Tally Gotliv.

Not necessarily the best way to make friends and influence people!

"In October, Tally Gotliv, Member of the Israeli Knesset, urged the government to not break the siege on Gaza because it gave them leverage to bribe and recruit collaborators. Speaking in the Knesset she said 'Without hunger and thirst among the Gaza population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators, we will not be able to recruit intelligence, we will not be able to bribe people with food, with drink, with medicine, in order to achieve intelligence.'"

Go see the You Tube video:

Recruit/induce/tempt Gaza residents to cooperate with the Israeli military. Withhold food, water and medicine. Gaza residents willing "to work" with the Israeli get food/water/medicine. Collaboration has benefits.

And there ARE some Gaza residents willing to become turncoats! Aid and abet the Israeli military. Provide intelligence in exchange for food/water/medicine. Where are the tunnels? Who is Hamas? Where are the hostages? Etc.
Understand full well the danger of collaboration!

Within context see an extract from an article as seen at the Internet web site

"Iran Update, March 14, 2024"

"Hamas reportedly killed the head of a local clan in Gaza City on March 13 likely as part of Hamas’ effort to reassert its authority in the northern Gaza Strip. Hamas targeted the head and other members of the armed Dughmush clan amid local accusations that the clan stole humanitarian aid and cooperated with Israel. The clan responded to the killing by vowing to retaliate and declaring Hamas members and positions as 'legitimate target[s].' Hamas denied reports that its forces killed the clan members."

"Hamas has sought to reconstitute militarily and rebuild its governing authority in the northern Gaza Strip since Israeli forces reduced their presence there in December 2023 . . . The killing of the members of the Dughmush clan further demonstrates that Hamas fighters remain present in at least some areas of the northern strip."

YES indeed! Collaboration can be hazardous for your health. And understand this full well from the start!


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