Wednesday, March 27, 2024


This is coolbert:

Airdrops humanitarian aid Gaza too little, too much chance of error hitting a small area on the ground from height with accuracy.

See from the Internet article "On a Jordanian aid airdrop over Gaza City". Article by Nils Adler | 21 Mar 2024.

Parachute drops of humanitarian aid Gaza often [?] missing the target or even causing death to those on the ground!

See additionally described as a "low-level" method of resupply more accurate in getting the parcels on target. LAPES. No LONGER used. Too dangerous!

"The low-altitude parachute-extraction system (LAPES) / Low-level parachute extraction resupply system (LOLEX) is a tactical military airlift delivery method where a fixed-wing cargo aircraft can deposit supplies in situations in which landing is not an option, in an area that is too small to accurately parachute supplies from a high altitude. This practice is no longer used in the USAF."

What mostly needed Gaza for accurate and on-the-mark humanitarian aid drops are a contingent of American air force CCT?

"The United States Air Force Combat Control Teams, singular Combat Controller (CCT) (AFSC 1Z2X1), are an elite special operations force specifically known as 'special tactics operators' who specialize in all aspects of air-ground communication, as well as air traffic control, fire support . . . and command, control, and communications in covert, forward, or austere environments."

CCT personnel functioning as air-traffic controllers providing instructions from the ground to the aircrews. Accuracy of food parcel drops greatly enhanced. American boots on-the-ground for political reasons probably not possible.


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