Saturday, February 17, 2024

Yair II.

This is coolbert:

La dolce vita! The sweet life!

By now I would have fully expected Yair to volunteer for combat duty Gaza.

Find himself in the thick of the fray, yeoman duty in the style of his uncle and father. Even volunteering for hazardous duty, eager to go.

"yeoman's/yeoman work/service : idiom - US - very good, hard, and valuable work that someone does especially to support a cause, to help a team"

"Netanyahu's son dodges draft, enjoys time in luxe [deluxe] Florida apartment"

From | By Al Mayadeen English | Source: Daily Mail |16 Feb 2024. 

"Netanyahu’s son is qualified to serve as a reservist until he is 40, and he is now 32, but instead, he is guarded 24/7 by two Shin Bet agents in his $5,000 a month apartment."

A deluxe apartment in Miami, USA!! Not Tel Aviv!

"The UK's Daily Mail published a series of photos on Thursday in a report, exposing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, enjoying the high life in a luxurious Miami apartment, dodging the IOF draft - probably paid for with daddy's card and funded by American taxpayer money."

See the previous blog entry Yair and his apparent malingering:


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