Sunday, February 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

DACT exercise an American F-22 raptor fighter plane notionally destroyed by a [South] Korean ROK F-50 TRAINER aircraft?

Filipino Air Force [PAF] thumbs up,  American F-22 Raptor thumbs down!

"Philippine FA-50PH shot down F-22 Raptor ‘on the right turn’"

 From | By Alexey Lenkov | Oct 30, 2023.

"The F-22 Raptor, the United States’ fifth-generation stealth aircraft designed for breaching enemy air defenses, encountered a formidable adversary in the form of the Korean-made FA-50 fighter jet."

"The most recent encounter of these two aircraft in a combative setting took place in the skies over Luzon, where the FA-50 belonging to the Philippine Air Force [PAF] closely contested the American war jet and even alleged to have achieved a successful 'kill' against the F-22."

DACT exercises, Dissimilar Aircraft Combat Training, often very highly choreographed but highly competitive nonetheless!

South Korean [ROK[ FA-50 TRAINER jet aircraft formidable under the right circumstances. The right fit for a small air force the size of the PAF perhaps.


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