Saturday, February 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

"'Under international humanitarian law, killing a defenseless injured patient who is being treated in a hospital amounts to a war crime,' . . .  'By disguising themselves as seemingly harmless, protected medical personnel and civilians, the Israeli forces also prima facie committed the war crime of perfidy, which is prohibited in all circumstances,'" 

"perfidy: noun - Deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery. The act or an instance of treachery."


"UN experts: Undercover Israeli killings in West Bank hospital may be war crimes"

"Israel’s military was not immediately available for comment on their statement."

From | By REUTERS | FEBRUARY 9, 2024.

Israeli security force personnel disguised as "medical personnel and civilians" invade a hospital the PLO controlled West Bank and shot dead suspected terrorists as alleged actually in the midst of planning anti-Israeli attacks.

"The killing of three Palestinian men in a hospital in the occupied West Bank last month by Israeli commandos disguised as medical workers and Muslim women may amount to war crimes, a group of UN experts said on Friday."

The Israeli masters of pseudo operations. Have been so even before 1948. See previous blog entry as applicable to topic.

"Pseudo operations are a form of tactics which should be used along with conventional tactics as part of a total counter insurgency strategy. Conceptually, pseudo operations are operations which deploy a counter insurgent force which completely mirrors insurgent forces. Its purpose is to infiltrate the civilian communities or operational areas disguised as insurgents in order to develop background information on insurgents and to obtain tactical operational information upon which to act and bring force to bear on the insurgents."

I guess the question that would have be answered was whether or not this Basel Al-Ghazzawi [the mastermind] was an actual patient with a medical condition at the time of the assassination. 

Legality or illegality this pseudo operation largely depends on the answer to that question?

From a comment to the article by DavidRochlin7:

"I don't recall a report that the terrorist targets were receiving medical treatment at the hospital.  Used for military purposes, the hospital loses its protected status under humanitarian law.  Soldiers can dress in medical attire and are not culpable for perfidy unless they wear symbols of civilian medical personnel." 


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