Tuesday, February 27, 2024


This is coolbert:

See this You Tube Short the sinking of the Russian naval warship Caesar Kunikov.

Asymmetric naval warfare the epitome. An expensive and very valuable large naval vessel sent to the bottom by a small and relatively inexpensive putt-putt type unmanned surface vessel [U
SV] Ukrainian MAGURA V5. 

To reiterate from the prior blog entry: "This is Jeune École in action. Young School. French Nineteenth Century naval asymmetric naval warfare concept never coming to full attainment until now!"

"The Jeune École ('Young School') was a strategic naval concept developed during the 19th century. It advocated the use of small, heavily armed vessels to combat larger battleships"

I must admit this Ukrainian MAGURA V5 does have some impressive operational characteristics. A range [on a one-way kamikaze mission] 800 km. [about 500 miles] and carries good amount of war-making bang-stuff explosive. Has a variety of navigational methods to include video transmission AND cheap [about $250,000 per copy]. Not just an expedient means of attack but a well thought design production USV with good combat potential.


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