Thursday, February 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

Reported but never confirmed. Until now?

Russian lady convicts in penal institution being recruited the Ukraine Conflict. To be trained as lady snipers.

Lady snipers possess a skill set that makes them superior to men? Patience and waiting for the right moment to engage the enemy one attribute that makes them better than a man in the same situation?

"‘You’ll be nothing but cannon fodder’ Russian Defense Ministry reportedly recruiting inmates from women’s prison to serve as snipers in Ukraine"

From | February 20, 2024. 

"With the Kremlin seeking to avoid a second round of mobilization for as long as possible, the Russian Defense Ministry has continued to find new ways to fill the army’s ranks. According to the news outlet iStories, one of the ministry’s 'solutions' has been to recruit inmates from a women’s prison in Russia’s Leningrad region. While the Ukrainian military reported that Russia was recruiting women inmates as early as March 2023, this appears to be the first specific instance of the practice that journalists have been able to confirm."

That entire concept of convicts recruited for military duty in a time of wartime necessity generally a very bad idea. Convicts, men and women [?] undisciplined types not suitable for regimentation or being subjected to discipline. As civilians and military recruits there behavior normally poor!

From a comment as found on the Internet by one Boris Ivanov:

"During WW2, the Red Army utilized women as snipers. Are many women still serving in this same role in the Russian military today?"

"No, they are not. Right now, women are not allowed to serve as snipers in the Russian Army. Not because they can’t do that, but because serving as a sniper is considered too harmful for female health as it involves running around with a heavy rifle and laying on the ground for hours, regardless of the weather. A woman can serve as a sniping instructor, but not do the actual sniping."

"In Russia, there is a law that prohibits women from performing jobs that may harm their health to such a degree that they would be unable to become mothers. Because Russia spends a lot of effort to stimulate the birth rate, protecting women from infertility is considered equally important. It is a controversial law, but it is the law."

See previous blog entry [with additional embedded links] the Russian recruiting dilemma:


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