Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Houthi UUV.

This is coolbert:

"The Houthis are not likely capable of manufacturing these weapons on their own, so they are probably coming from Iran," - Mick Mulroy.

Unmanned underwater vehicle [UUV] Hootie Tootie? Yes, apparently so!

Red Sea and Gulf of Aden all ships at sea, military and commercial both beware.

"Houthis Using Unmanned Subs in Red Sea Region"

From https://www.newsmax.com | By Charlie McCarthy    |   Tuesday, 20 February 2024. 

"Houthi rebels in Yemen have employed an unmanned submarine for the first time since attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden began, ABC News reported."

"The unmanned underwater vessel (UUV), which gives the Houthis advanced capability and a shifting strategy, likely was supplied by Iran, according to a former Defense Department official and CIA agent."

From the Internet web site of H. I. Sutton "Covert Shores" see an entire article [dated 18 February 2024] devoted to the Hootie Tootie/Iranian unmanned underwater vehicle combat drone.

Hootie Tootie attacks the Red Sea multi-faceted approach. Cruise missiles, explosive boats, drones and now UUV!

Le Jeune École. Have you ever done it the French way?


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