Wednesday, February 21, 2024


This is coolbert:

"The Americans have CALL, which records mistakes as well as successes and helps users do what works and avoid what doesn’t and do it all in a timely manner. Because of the Ukraine War CALL now has a lot of useful advice on the use and abuse of UAVs. The developers of a new Americans scout helicopter made contributions to CALL on how not to solve problems using older technology when cheaper new tech like cheap UAVs were available"

CALL = Center for Army Lessons Learned. CALL.

Consider this to be a new one me!

From the Internet web site Strategy Page extractions from an article.

"Intelligence: No One Expects the UAV Intrusion"

"February 18, 2024: The U.S. Army has spent more than $11 billion on failed attempts to develop a new scout helicopter. The scout helicopter was meant to find targets for the larger and heavily armed AH-64 helicopter. Apparently, no one involved with this research and development effort bothered to find out how other branches of the U.S. military as well as foreign armed forces were dealing with this problem. Even though the U.S. Army has established a system (CALL) to document past failures and successes and that this CALL system was easily available, commanders and staff personnel often did not use it as they made mistakes that CALL had documented and warned about not repeating."

CALL a concept very worthy of consideration. Has a lot of merit. From after action reports  lessons learned can be accessed. Things that work [positive] and things that do not work [negative]. Avoid the latter like the plague.

See the "Center for Army Lessons Learned" Internet web site.

With regard to the development of a new Army scout helicopter about $ 11 billion USD spent over a period of decades [?] all for a program that came to naught! Drones achieve the same results easier, cheaper, far less dangerously.

Given the relative and apparent poor performance of attack helicopters [Russian mostly] the Ukraine Conflict, why the scout helicopter project continued for so long just at the time the use of drones became widespread you have to wonder?

See also this article from CALL as publicly accessible:

"Lessons Learned from the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces: Command Post Survivability"

From | By Siegfried Ullrich and Sean Moriarty | February 6, 2024.

You need to have an entire extensive glossary of MILSPEAK to know what is being said!

I notice too that allied nations USA have entre nous the CALL system!

Heckler & Koch obviously having not used the CALL system. German G95 assault rifle not functioning according to standard. Ammunition lessons learned from American M-16 debacle the Vietnam War not being taken into consideration.


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