Friday, February 9, 2024


This is coolbert:

Yet one more instance of the American military man behaving badly! A bias-based crime as referred to!

"Two soldiers arrested on charges of stealing Pride flags from a queer couple’s home"

"Michelle Logan and Jenna Burnett of Arlington, Va., said five Pride flags were stolen from outside their house from September to January."

From   |  By Isabela Espadas Barros Leal  |  Feb. 7, 2024.

"Two men have been arrested in the theft of LGBTQ Pride flags from outside a queer couple’s home in Arlington, Virginia, over several months."

"Matthew Henshaw, 20, was arrested and charged in three of the five thefts that occurred from September to January; he was charged with three counts of bias-motivated unlawful entry and three counts of petit larceny, the Arlington County Police Department said in a statement Friday. Joseph Digregorio, 23, was charged with one count of petit larceny in connection with one of the thefts."

"The men are both active members of the U.S. Army with the 3rd Infantry Regiment, also known as the Old Guard, a spokesperson for the Army told NBC Washington."

Old Guard personnel held to the highest-level of comportment on/off duty as possible. Seen as representative soldiers of the U.S. Army, rarely glimpsed by the lay-public citizenry.

Bias-based crimes can often result in a 3X degree of punishment. Instead of one year in jail you might get three years in prison!


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