Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Satellite 6911.

This is coolbert:

The double flash South Atlantic Ocean 1979. A subject of controversy into this very day never resolved properly as to what actually occurred.

Think within the context of the Gaza War, the wild speculation probably 100 % totally unfounded that the Israeli is using the neutron bomb enhanced radiation weapon [ERW].

"The Day the Sky Flashed Twice: What Caused the Mysterious Vela Incident?"

See YouTube video:

"On September 22nd 1979, the sensors aboard the US Vela Satellite picked up a distinctive signal from somewhere in the vast expanse of the South Atlantic ocean. It was a mysterious 'double flash' of blinding light. Even today no-one knows for sure what caused the Vela incident..."

It has been speculated that double flash, represented an atomic detonation either by number one # 1  South Africa number two # 2 Israel number three #3 combined South African/Israeli test or number four # 4  an Israeli test of a neutron weapon nothing ever been categorically proven in any case. Somebody does know for sure, but they are not saying anything, and probably never will!

That detonation him an atomic weapon if it did it did occur over to South Atlantic rated as only 1 kt to 2 kt ton weapon only possibly a neutron weapon ERW. I can fully understand the Israeli might very well be interested in the neutron bomb if they ever did find themselves in an existential type situation fighting within Israel proper against the combined Arab armies. Having such munitions in their inventory under certain specific circumstances the use of an ERW giving an advantage.


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