Thursday, January 25, 2024


This is coolbert:

Herewith once more an extract, a paragraph from a very recent Strategy Page Internet website article with my commentary!

Russian military bloggers continuing to be avid supporters of the Russian special military operation the Ukraine Conflict, but highly critical of the top echelon leadership to include the general staff officers and commander-in-chief of the Russian army and armed forces Vlad Putin.

"Attrition: Russian Casualties Keep Increasing"

"This criticism made it obvious that the Russian government was losing the support of its own people, including a growing number of senior officers who spoke out, usually via encrypted messages on Telegram, an internet app in Russia and Ukraine. Early on many of these Russian Internet based military bloggers supported the invasion and were supplied with information by the Russian government, including opportunities to spend some time with the troops inside Ukraine. After a few months the Russian bloggers were no longer reporting the official Russian version of events in Ukraine, but what was being reported by Russian veterans of the fighting."

When the Russian military bloggers become critical of the government or the special military operation you know something with the war is going badly for the Russian. Back in the days of the old Soviet Union, and especially during the time of J. Stalin, criticism of any sort during wartime would’ve gotten you a death penalty and quick execution with a bullet to the back of the neck.

Again Russian military bloggers continue to be enthusiasts for the Ukraine Conflict special military operation, but highly critical of the leadership in the central government in Moscow to include all those at the apex of the command structure. Something wrong!


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