Sunday, January 28, 2024


This is coolbert: 

"The army’s [German] procurement department allowed gunmaker Heckler & Koch to test the weapon using civilian ammunition, rather than the same cartridges used by the army.

Testing was also allowed to take place at room temperature rather than at extreme temperatures."

For shame, H & K and German military procurement. You both knew better, but did not do better. For shame again and again.


"Germany’s new rifle ‘inaccurate in battle’"

From | Jörg Luyken IN BERLIN 26 January 2024.

"Report finds weapon fails to meet army standards despite defense minister’s pledge to make the Bundeswehr ‘war fit’"

"The German army’s new assault rifle is not accurate enough and cannot be relied upon to work properly in battle, according to a classified report."

"military-standard ammunition, said the report, which was sent to the Bundestag by Germany’s national audit office."

“Current testing by the army in laboratory conditions shows that the weapon doesn’t meet army standards when loaded with combat ammunition,” said the review, which was first revealed by Der Spiegel news magazine."

This is a perfect instance of déjà vu all over again. As it was with the AR.-15/M -16 in Vietnam for American forces so as it is now for the German military with their most modern assault rifle?

AR-15 tested with one type of ammunition, but then issued to the troops in the field as the M-16 with a second type of ammunition that was found to be inferior!!

"The M16 and 5.56×45 mm cartridge was tested and approved with the use of a DuPont IMR8208M extruded powder, which was switched to Olin Mathieson WC846 ball powder which produced much more fouling, which quickly jammed the action of the M16 (unless the gun was cleaned well and often)."

Déjà vu all over again, but this time the Germans rather than the Americans!

And to all this General Rommel would say exactly what?


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