Wednesday, January 24, 2024


This is coolbert:

"We are developing a brand-new product capable of blurring the silhouette of a person. This is our exclusive know-how based on coating fabrics with a certain composition," - HindreX’s spokesperson.

Nothing new here? I might think that is so but I am not sure. Such material and apparel has been around for a long time now, but I am uncertain.

Battlefield individual soldier cloaking device, but only from thermal imaging devices!

"Russia’s New Camouflage Cloak to Help Soldiers Become ‘Invisible’ on Battlefield"

From  |  22.01.2024.

"The new camouflage suit, due to be rolled out before the end of January, features state-of-the-art fabric that will help Russian soldiers successfully tackle [evade] thermal imagers."

"Russian company HinderX is finalizing tests of an advanced camouflage cloak designed to protect Russian troops from Ukrainian thermal imaging equipment in the special operation."

Again a cloaking device, but only from thermal imaging devices. Will make you more difficult to see but not impossible to see!

This is not your average every-day Star Trek Klingon cloaking device!


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