Sunday, January 21, 2024


This is coolbert:

Here with a You Tube video, a discussion and analysis of the shoot down/damage most recently the two Russian aircraft flying over the Sea of Azov.

  Jan 17, 2024.

"Russia appears to have lost a Beriev A-50 (AWACS) over the Sea of Azov. An IL-22 was damaged. Ukraine claims to have done this, Russia says it was friendly fire. Here is what happened and what we don't know (yet)."

See the You Tube video:


 Patriot surface to air missile shot down/damaged the Russian military aircraft?

 Friendly fire [Russian] shot down/damaged the Russian military aircraft?

Let me suggest that these two Russian military aircraft shot down/damaged over the sea of Azov the demise the result of a long-range air to air missile of the METEOR variety.

METEOR very similar to the Russian R-37 long-range air to air missile.

"The Meteor is an European active radar guided beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) developed and manufactured by MBDA. It offers a multi-shot capability (multiple launches against multiple targets), and has the ability to engage highly maneuverable targets such as jet aircraft, and small targets such as UAVs and cruise missiles in a heavy electronic countermeasures (ECM) environment with a range far in excess of 200 kilometres [about 120 miles]."

Someone knows the answer to all these questions, but isn't saying!


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