Wednesday, December 20, 2023

USS Mason.

This is coolbert.

Hootie-tootie strikes again with missile attack the Red Sea.

"USS Mason Responds After Houthi Missile Strikes Norwegian-Flagged Tanker in Red Sea"

Associated Press | By Jon Gambrell | December 12, 2023.

"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A missile fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels slammed into a Norwegian-flagged tanker in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen near a key maritime chokepoint, the rebels and authorities said Tuesday."

"The assault on the oil and chemical tanker Strinda expands a campaign by the Iranian-backed rebels targeting ships close to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait into apparently now striking those that have no clear ties to Israel"

First, it was Israeli flagged ships under attack. Then it was ANY ship carrying cargo to Israel. Now it is open season on anyone much to the detriment of everybody. This is Iranian machinations of the worst possible sort        

Consider too that the Hootie Tootie have gone from the bows and arrows weapons stage of development into having and using ballistic missiles and drones of a sophisticated nature, all glory to the Hootie Tootie but regrettably so.


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