Sunday, December 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Sar-El volunteers take on routine logistical support tasks normally assigned to active duty soldiers and reservists"

Especially in time of war!

"Sar-El at 40: War with Hamas sees spike in IDF volunteer requests"

From | article by LIANE GRUNBERG WAKABAYASHI |  OCTOBER 21, 2023.

"Sar-El has worked with more than a quarter of a million civilian volunteers in its 40 years, from both outside and from within Israel, Jewish and non-Jewish, young and old."

 "In the past horrendous week [from 7 October 2023], Sar-El CEO Keren Dahan has seen an uptick in civilian requests to volunteer for the IDF, the likes of which are unprecedented. Sar-El is an organization that offers logistical support to the IDF by a cadre of volunteers from around the world."

Sar-El consisting of ethnic Jews from all over the world volunteering for duty with the Israeli military. Not however sworn military personnel. Wear the IDF uniform while remaining a civilian. Perform duty primarily of an essential but not combat nature, described as being of a logistical kind and variety.

From an account of a volunteer:

"This experience [with Sar-El] was unlike anything I could dream or imagine: I worked with the Israel Defense Forces about ten miles south of Tel Aviv.  We worked in warehouses packing, folding, wrapping, and counting field gear, alongside soldiers. We ate, worked, and slept on the base…"

Like being in the military but not in the military!



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