Sunday, December 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

 ”The Gods closed their eyes

And the walls of the city blazed

O cries of the massacres, o agony of the killed

The massacre of the drunken and defenseless people of Troy was great"

- Femius’ chant, Odyssey Poem

"What if There’s a Real Solution in Gaza? The Israeli government is considering relocating some Gazans to Latin America."

American Thinker ^ | 12/30/23 | Mike Konrad.

"The suggestion — at that time — was that $200 billion would be sufficient to persuade 2 million Palestinians to leave. If that seems high, remember that, already, Israel’s central bank is tendering an estimate of $53 billion for this war. That is probably a low estimate for the struggle. So paying Palestinians to leave might be cost-effective."

For those of you who are numerically challenged that $200 billion would pay each resident of Gaza $100,000 USD cash given the terms of resettlement and relocation if offered and accepted.

"Also Supposedly, Israel recently offered to pay off Egypt’s national debt if she would take in the Gazans. Well, that may get Egypt to agree, but would the Gazans agree?"

Consider within also relocations in resettlement within the historical context: 

Resettlement and relocation of populations a tradition in the Middle East/Fertile Crescent that has existed for almost 3,000 years beginning with the Assyrian Empire. Forcible relocations and resettlements of conquered populations a standardized and institutionalized practice.

"In the three centuries starting with the reign of Ashur-dan II (934–912 BCE), the Neo-Assyrian Empire practiced a policy of resettlement . . . of population groups in its territories."

"Bustenay Oded estimated in 1979 that about 4.4 million people (± 900,000) were relocated over a 250-year period. One instance, the relocation of the Israelites in the late eighth century BCE was described in Biblical passages and came to be known as the Assyrian captivity."

"Forced deportation and subsequent resettlement were used as tools of political domination and subjugation to maintain control over conquered people groups"

As I have said so often recently it is not so much I don’t believe any of this rather it is more like I don’t want to believe any of this!


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