Friday, December 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

PAARNG = Pennsylvania army national guard.

From | Joshua Hallenbeck | Dec 13, 2023.

"Cambridge Springs, Pa. — Around 300 soldiers from the Cambridge Springs-based 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard have been called up to be deployed."

This will become apparently the ground contingent of Operation Prosperity Guardian, an advance party, whose mission will become to set up a base camp, probably in the location of Djibouti for further USA involvement in the Horn of Africa/Yemen region, an on-call ground force combat arms unit consisting of a US Army Stryker brigade.

"Mueller [Travis Mueller, a spokesperson for PAARNG] stated the soldiers will leave for two to three weeks of training later this month, and will then depart for a nine-month deployment in the Horn of Africa."

Additionally, see these You Tube shorts:

That second You Tube short explaining in a nutshell the entire situation international trade routes, chokepoints, and rationality why Bab el-Mandeb must be kept open to free movement of international shipping. Palki Sharma always as usual the best in this regard.


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