Thursday, December 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

Here with a listing from 2006 mortal combat the Gaza Strip, Israeli and various Palestinian factions.

A list I hardly think so totally inclusive.

The current Gaza War not existing in a vacuum. 

See from wiki a listing of Gaza–Israel conflict:

"The following lists the consecutive operations of the Gaza–Israel conflict:

2006: Operation Summer Rains.

2006: Gaza beach explosion (2006).

2006: 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict.

2006: 2006 shelling of Beit Hanoun.

2006 November: Operation Autumn Clouds.

2008: Beit Hanoun April 2008 incident.

2008 February: Operation Hot Winter.

2008: (2008 Israel–Hamas ceasefire) ended November 4th, 2008).

2008: Operation Cast Lead. December 2008.

2008-2009: Gaza War (2008–09).

2009: List of Israeli attacks on Gaza, 2009.

2010: March 2010 Israel–Gaza clashes.

2010 May: Gaza flotilla raid (in international waters).

2011: August 2011 Gaza Strip air raids.

2012 March: March Gaza–Israel clashes; Operation Returning Echo.

2012: Operation Pillar of Defense.

2014: 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict.

2015: 2015–2016 wave of violence in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

2018: Gaza–Israel clashes (November 2018).

2019: Operation Black Belt. December 2019.

2021: 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis.

2022: Operation Breaking Dawn."

And of course events as have occurred since 7 October 2023, Operation Swords of Iron.

Hamas not alone in defiance and a willingness to confront and commit to battlefield action with the Israeli military. Other factions besides Hamas at work too.


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