Tuesday, December 19, 2023


This is coolbert.

Troops are massing. Troops are always massing!

"Guyana’s president says his country is preparing to defend itself from Venezuela over disputed area"

From https://apnews.com | BY DÁNICA COTO | December 6, 2023.

"SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Guyana’s president told The Associated Press on Wednesday that his country is taking every necessary step to protect itself from Venezuela, which has ordered its state-owned companies to explore and exploit oil and minerals in the vast Essequibo region, which Guyana considers" its own."

"When asked if he has requested military assistance, President Irfaan Ali said his government is reaching out to allies and regional partners, some of which Guyana has defense agreements with, to protect Essequibo. The region makes up two-thirds of the country."

The gauntlet has been thrown. The challenge has been accepted?


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