Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Borrell EU.

This is coolbert:

As has been previously noted!

"'catastrophic, apocalyptic' . . . 'an incredible number of civilian casualties' . . .'more or less or even greater' . . . 'one of the most intense' . . .  'comparable, if not higher'"

"EU’s Top Diplomat: Destruction in Gaza May Be Worse Than Germany in WWII"

 From https://news.antiwar.com | article by Dave DeCamp | December 11, 2023.

"Israeli officials have invoked the allied strategic bombing campaigns of World War II to justify its mass slaughter in Gaza"

"Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top foreign policy official, said Monday that the destruction in Gaza as a result of the Israeli bombing campaign could be 'even greater' than the damage to German cities during World War II, AFP reported."

See these most recent blog entries as applicable the topic:



Additionally also this prior blog entry with attention to the embedded image:


German cities during WW2 such as Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and others flattened at least 50 % or greater, severe damage!

Optics the world community this represents a perfect example the perception of the strong beating up the weak.


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