Saturday, December 30, 2023


This is coolbert:

Decorations during the time of war, but not as normally, as is envisioned.

"IDF reservists discover a 1,500-year-old oil lamp near Gaza border"

From Ynet |12.27.23 | 

"IDF reservists discover a 1,500-year-old oil lamp near Gaza border"

"Israel Antiquities Authority said it is a 'sandal candle' from the Byzantine period; The reservists handed over the ancient find to the state treasury and were awarded a certificate for their good citizenship"

"Netanel Melchior and Alon Segev, reservists in the 404th Battalion of the 282nd Fire Brigade, were prepared to serve their country patrolling the border with Gaza, but they did not expect to make an important archeological find. But the pair of soldiers discovered an oil lamp about 1,500 years old from the Byzantine period that was preserved intact. The soldiers showed exemplary citizenship and returned the candle to the Israel Antiquities Authority so that it could be properly preserved."

Considering that Gaza has existed for at least 4,000 years and has been territory fight over during that entire. It is not hard to imagine there is a lot of buried in ancient artifacts under the ground.

The noted Israeli General Moshe Dayan was often criticized because he had his own personal collection of antiquities from ancient times, which he had somehow collected and gleaned as was perceived as a less than savory manner, perhaps even illegal.

See also a previous blog entry, ancient artifacts and ruins, as uncovered Odessa Ukraine, while fortifications being dug the Ukraine Conflict.

These two Israeli servicemen set the standard by which all other should be judged.


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