Wednesday, November 29, 2023


This is coolbert:

Free Willy Russian style!

Terrible storm the Black Sea! Russian naval commando dolphins released from their "holding" pens as a consequence.

"Free Willy: Russian Navy Trained Dolphins Hit By Storm"

From | 28 November 2023 | the article by H I Sutton.

"A massive storm battered Crimea on the November 27. Preliminary analysis of the damage done to Russian defenses reveals that the dolphin pens in Sevastopol harbor are gone as a result. They may have been sunk or washed away. It is plausible that some or all of the trained dolphins have been freed."

Trained aquatic mammals highly intelligent teachable and relatively docile a huge investment I might think. Trained to perform military tasks at depths in the ocean too dangerous for a human diver!

Outcome of release from captivity however might be dire!

"It should be remembered that if the dolphins are indeed free they have been raised in captivity. It can be expected that they were reliant on their human trainers for food and may be unable to fend for themselves. Escape may thus be a death warrant."

Willy come home! Now! And thank you H. I. Sutton.


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