Wednesday, November 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

"‘The reaction to the image convinced me that I had missed something profound, and divisive, and I regret that.’" - David Shipley.

Cartoon of war. The adversary portrayed as a beast, an animal, a soulless creature bereft of all humanity. The hostile opponent in a time of war only deserving to have their very persons eradicated from the planet Earth!

"Is it racist to make fun of Hamas?"

"The Washington Post’s deletion of an anti-Hamas cartoon has exposed the moral depravity of the left."

From | the article by JENNY HOLLAND | 13th November 2023.

"Last week, the Washington Post published a cartoon which featured senior Hamas member Ghazi Hamad with women and children tied to his body as human shields. The cartoon featured a speech bubble, in which Hamad says: ‘How dare Israel attack civilians.’"

That stereotypical caricature image of the Arab militant terrorist, hook-nosed and ugly, with babies and children tied to him for protection. In this case presumably Israeli babies and children tied to the Hamas leader.

And NO, this editor David Shipley did not err in his approving the cartoon. His intent was to portray Hamas as human monsters no longer worthy of life.


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