Saturday, November 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

At first I  had thought this anti-tank weapon was a German Panzerfaust-3 but I am wrong.

Seen at You Tube via | Hindustan Times | Oct 16, 2023.

"Hamas has introduced the 'Merkava Tank Killer' as Israeli forces prepare for a ground offensive against Gaza. The Palestinian militant group released a video vaunting about the 'Al-Yassin' anti-armor missile, whose 105 MM shell has reportedly destroyed an Israeli tank in clashes with the forces since October 7."

A Soviet era RPG-7 reversed-engineered firing the Hamas developed 105 mm anti-tank round.

Can defeat a modern and most up to date main-battle tank, to include the Israeli Merkava. Merkava even when equipped with Trophy anti-missile protection still vulnerable?

See a tweet from Lord Bebo video of one such attack on an Israeli Merkava tank! Against lightly armored and soft-skinned vehicles I imagine Al Yassin quite effective.


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