Thursday, November 30, 2023


This is coolbert:

Dixmude not a hospital ship as that term normally understood. A helicopter landing warship modified to function as a medical facility.

"French Warship [LHD Dixmude] Docks in Egypt, Could Treat Gaza Children This Week - Minister"

From |  the article by John Irish.

"PARIS (Reuters) - The French helicopter carrier Dixmude has docked in Egypt and could start treating wounded children from Gaza later this week, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said on Tuesday, as Western powers look to ramp up efforts to aid the enclave."

"It is the first Western military ship to dock in Egypt since the conflict started and moored on Monday at al-Arish 50 km (31 miles) west of Gaza, now a hub for international aid for Gaza."

Sick bay the Dixmude. As was functioning during the Covid virus epidemic. A posed image? I note no obligatory masks worn.

"The Dixmude's medical capacities have been adapted to create a military-civilian medical force, notably in pediatrics. With two operating theatres and 40 beds, it could treat those with light injuries before they are moved to hospitals on the ground."

Primary mission will be to treat wounded children, stabilize their condition prior to transport to another land-based and fully functioning hospital.


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