Thursday, November 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Most owners of Security clearances, an ever-expanding class of civil servants and other bureaucrats with access to classified government information, are subject to rigorous and invasive vetting procedures. Applying for a permit [security clearance] can mean hours of lie detector tests; character interviews with old teachers, friends and neighbors; and ongoing automated monitoring of their bank accounts and other personal information."


"Pentagon-funded study warns that dementia among US officials poses a threat to national security"

From | Nathaniel Erickson | September 13, 2023. 

"As the national Dementia among U.S. officials poses a threat to national security as the security force ages, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a Pentagon-funded think tank. The report, released this spring, came as several prominent U.S. officials overseeing some of the most secretive intelligence agencies of the country experienced public failures, sparking calls for [his/her] resignation and debates about Washington’s aging leadership."

His/her in particular referring to Senator McConnell and the late Senator Feinstein! Understand too hardly confined the allegations of senility and or dementia I strongly suspect to those two alone!

Again, ELECTED OFFICIALS do not need a security clearance. The voters are said to have placed their confidence in the mental faculties and reliability of whomever has aspired toward and achieved high political office!

NONETHELESS there are valid concerns that demented/senile elected officials [to include the USA President] WOULD  pose a serious threat to national security.

HOW to address the matter? I cannot say? Can anyone?


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