Saturday, November 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

One more a You Tube Short. A demonstration of the sling as a weapon of war. Peltists as they are referred to an important factor of ancient warfare.

"The Balearic Slingers — The Fearsome Snipers of Antiquity"

"The Balearic slingers were [highly] sought after mercenaries"

From | the article by Peter Preskar | Nov 18, 2021.      

"The Balearic slingers launched bullets that had a speed of 160 kilometers per hour (one hundred miles per hour). They could hit their opponents at a distance of 400 meters (1,300 feet) but were deadliest at a distance of 120 meters (400 feet)."

"An experienced slinger could make seven shots per minute."

The most able and proficient of all peltists found among those inhabitants of the Balearic Islands.

See a most complete article the peltist their war-making potential and deadliness in combat fully appreciated.


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