Sunday, October 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

Escalating conflict the war between Israeli/Hamas can easily become a regional conflict even with the possibility of a worldwide dimension! So says the retired British Admiral West.

"'REAL DANGER' Six terrifying steps that could see Gaza crisis spiral into WW3 with Brit & US boots on the ground, warns ex-Navy [RN] chief"

From | the article by Iona Cleave | Oct 21 2023.

"THE Gaza crisis could spiral into an all-out world war in six terrifying steps, an ex-Navy chief has warned."

"If things 'go really wrong', Admiral Lord West predicted the UK and US could see boots on the ground in Israel - and Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Russia might be drawn into the fight."

The biggest danger right now the two-front war! Combat action Hezbollah enters the fray with corresponding Israeli military reaction. I would also imagine that Iranian DIRECT involvement into the war beyond that of proxies necessitating an American military reaction with consequences unforeseen!

No fence-sitting by parties interested or those merely observing in a casual manner!

"fence-sitting: noun - a state of indecision or neutrality with respect to conflicting positions"


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