Wednesday, October 11, 2023


This is coolbert:

Preposterous? Absurd? Beyond the realm of any imaginable scenario? And at such an exact moment in time too! Place this one in the strange but true category?

Ukrainians involved in the Sudanese Civil War? Ukrainians?

"Video confirms Ukrainian special forces fought Wagner group in Sudan"

JOHN SEXTON | October 06, 2023.
“A video released today confirms a story that CNN reported a couple weeks ago. Ukrainian special forces were active in Sudan, attacking the local Rapid Support Forces (RSF) which were trying to overthrow the government with the help of Wagner group mercenaries. The video shows Ukrainian snipers and drone attacks on the RSF.”

See the video, Ukrainian special operations units versus Wagner musicians in the Sudan:

Personally, I am very confused by the Sudanese Civil War. RSF used to be called the janjaweed. Convicts released from prison forming irregular military forces, as used by the central government of the Sudan in suppressing the revolt in Darfur province using genocidal means to do so. Now Ukrainian special operations forces are in mortal combat with RSF and Wagner mercenaries? Wagner villains attempting to seize and control gold mines the Sudan. 

Please recall that Eugene the late great famous/infamous commander and owner of Wagner had a great preoccupation with mines. Salt mines, gypsum mines, uranium ore yellowcake mines and probably now gold mines. All at behest of the Kremlin and Vlad. Eugene gone now so someone else will take up the slack.


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